Category Archives: Irregular’s Intel

Irregular’s Intel – The Training Montage

 We’ve all seen them. The hero is beaten, shown to be a shadow of his former self, defeated. But then the hero goes back to the basics and starts pumping iron, spending time in the dojo, and on the firing range. They dust off the old skills that served them well in the past and maybe pick up a new trick or two along the way. This isn’t just a scene from any number of cheesy movies, this is a pearl of wisdom for us to grow from.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – The Training Montage

Irregular’s Intel – The Geek Holiday Survival Guide

Some of us are going to be spending time with groups of people who are outside of our norm. They just don’t get us. Why are we so weird? What is that book? What is an RPG? As geeks, we can isolate ourselves from the “norms” and get lost in our world because we surround ourselves with others like us. But once the holidays come around, we get that stark reminder – but that is OK! I am here to give you the survival guide to get you through!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – The Geek Holiday Survival Guide

Irregular’s Intel – Strong Female Characters: On Their Own Terms

I often shy away from writing about strong female characters because I worry that I’ll come off as sounding like “that guy”. Strong females have always been around and I know that they are not new. But we are now in a time where female leads aren’t really a novelty anymore and I love it. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Strong Female Characters: On Their Own Terms

Irregular’s Intel – In Praise of Independents

In the late 80s there was this terrible TV show based on an awesome comic, Jon Sable, Freelance. The TV show was called Sable and it was largely forgettable, but it did three things for me:

  1. Introduced me to an awesome character that I still admire to this very day
  2. Introduced me to the awesome that is Mike Grell (I didn’t get introduced to Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters until a few years later)
  3. Introduced me to my first independent comic company “First Comics”

Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – In Praise of Independents

Irregular’s Intel – Escapism

Blog-III find myself needing to find more time to immerse myself in my fandoms, to escape the reality outside my door. Is it unhealthy? Maybe, maybe not, I don’t know. Honestly, I really don’t care, either. It looks like the real has hit really hard in my world and my chosen family is feeling the brunt. What used to be a happy “yay” when Wednesday comes along has turned into a rush for the respite that is new comic book day! And the few moments that I get to dive deeper into the current book that I am reading is a mental oasis for me. And, the much needed and wanted time with friends and loved ones is an emotional recharge!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Escapism