Comics Cosmos – A Spanner in Time

ccTime travel is a popular basis for a plot these days. You don’t often see it in comics, though, so that makes Time Spanners a refreshing change. This is an indie comic out of northeast Ohio, by John Vourlis, Jaime Lombardo and Brendan Kelly, funded via IndieGoGo, that now has its first issue available. 

The story involves three scientists who travel to the past to capture a rogue scientist (Ferris) who is using the Time Spanners program for his own (as yet unexplained) purposes. The first issue drops the reader right into the action, on the night President Lincoln was shot in Ford’s Theatre. This moment in history still occurs, so the question becomes what evil plan exactly does Ferris have in the works and just how does he intend to accomplish it? Being the first of an intended 10-issue run, there’s a long way to go in this story.

ts1Plus, there are questions to address about the Time Spanner program itself. Not much explanation is given for it, aside from the main four characters being involved in its creation and Ferris deciding to use it for himself. Hopefully future issues of the comic will delve a little into its intended purpose and how it works. One thing that is done well, though, is having gear that allows travelers to remain invisible (for the most part) when in another time. It takes out the typical “how will they fit in when they look so different” element that’s become tiring in time travel stories.

As for the quality of content, Time Spanners has made a good start. Jumping right to the action without a long set-up is a good way to immerse readers in a setting that is historically familiar, and keep the interest by not explaining all the background information. Plus, leaving off on a cliff hanger and excluding details of the program and Ferris’ purpose – it all leads to wanting to get to the next issue to see what, if anything, gets resolved. And the art, though a little rough at times, portrays the characters and action well. The settings are easy to discern and there is an effective use of space when the trio is invisible.

Time Spanners is worth a look if you’re into stories involving time travel and alt history, or just a good bit of sci-fi. Issue #1 is currently available on Indy Planet and an IndieGoGo campaign for Issue #2 has already started. And if you’re in the northeast Ohio area, you might find copies at your local comic shop or be lucky enough to meet the creators at a convention.

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