The Gamer Geek Blog – NX Wish List: Metroid

GGBHere’s another of the games on my NX wish list.


This pretty much goes without saying but Nintendo’s fan base is kind of going by the wayside and one of the easiest ways to bring it back: make a freaking Metroid that has Samus being awesome! Don’t hold her back like you did in Other M. I know people don’t like the game, not because it’s a bad game but because they took Samus’s character away.

The Metroid Prime: Federation Force game comes out August 19th. From what I saw, they want you to play with not quite a common soldier, but it’s nowhere near what Samus is. And though backstory is cool, it’s too late for that – people want to be Samus because she is a strong character. No one wants to be a grunt. I understand they want to expand the Metroid lore, but this isn’t the right way to do it.

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