Irregular’s Intel – Nasty Women and Dangerous Men

I was thinking about the quality of company that I keep and I think that they can best described as, like the title says, nasty women and dangerous men. The term “nasty woman” was used as a put down during a presidential debate, but if the characteristics the speaker was describing are “nasty” then I want all of the nasty that I can stand! If nasty means smart, intelligent, strong, insightful, funny, curious, open minded, creative and resourceful – then hell yeah, sign me up!! I see nothing wrong with that! As a matter of fact, we need more examples of those kinds of women all across the media. Don’t listen to the talking heads that are telling you to keep quiet while the men talk… screw that noise! I have surrounded myself with some of the nastiest women I have ever known and I am so happy for it!

Now, about my brothers, those dangerous men. You may think that I’m talking about the rough and tumble kind who join fight clubs and street race at midnight… sorry, but those guys mostly exist in books and movies. The dangerous men that I’m talking about live life by their own rules. They are not beholden to conventional thought – they don’t really have time for it, they are too busy building their own lives. These men are makers, creators, writers, musicians and everything in between. They make their voices heard on a regular basis and are not shy about it. They are unconventional and proud of it.

So often, modern society doesn’t realize how dangerous these people actually are. The most radical of ideas, the most unconventional thought comes from these men on a regular basis… and they make room for the nasty women to join in, too! And when they get together, that’s when movements are formed and revolutions are born!

So, nasty woman and dangerous man, if ever you were going shine, that time is now. The world needs us to show it what we’re made of and we cannot afford to go quietly into that good night. Like another dangerous man once said: “Get up! Stand up!!”

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