Irregular’s Intel – There’s Hope!

On the night that I wrote this I went out to dinner with friends and their daughter (that’s not to say that the daughter is not a friend, she is, but not the point of what I’m about to say). She has recently discovered the Harry Potter series and is enamored with it. I mean, she is taking every possible moment to get into that book. Dinner barely separated her from the tome, and not for long. It was a thing of beauty! 

I mean, I can relate. I am the kind of person who would get completely lost in a book. I mean, forget the world, I am here. I even feel moments of irritability when someone interrupts my reading, especially if it is someone who is of the philosophy that you only read when you’re bored… um, nope!! Anyway, I digress. For me, it is all about getting as deep as I can into whatever world is hidden inside those pages. So to see a young one exhibit such obsessive behavior over reading did my heart good! If this one has the bug, there must be others.

That means that not all of them are glued to their devices and tweeting and Facebooking all over the place. Nothing against that… I mean, you had to access a social media site to get here, sooo… Anyway, not all of the kids see reading as a foreign concept! I am going to continue to do my part and spread the sickness… I mean, there’s no 12 step program for being book obsessed, so it must be good, right? Of course, it is!!

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