Into the Unknown – The Moon and Lizard Men

UnknownLogoWhat do quakes and lizard men have to do with the moon. Well a lot.

The moon softly lulls the earth to sleep, controlling the weather, shining light down on us at night. For centuries stories and poems have been told about the moon. Without the moon the earth would be silent.

Was the moon part of the earth at one time or a rogue that was captured by the earth? We have been told the moon has been here before the dawn of man. Is any of this true?

So many theories are going around about the moon and all have been proven wrong. Like the moon hit the earth, came out the other side and made the moon. The chemical isotopes of the moon and earth are the same. Another theory is the earth pooped the moon out. The idea is that the earth pooped the moon from the Pacific Ocean. But the crust is too new to have pooped the moon out from there. Plus the moon is made up of different types of rocks than the earth. The moon, for one, has a magnetic field without having a large iron center or none at all.

The moon has lots of strange facts about it. First is the moon’s age is much older than expected. The earth’s age is estimated to be super old, older than dust some say. I’m not talking about your grandma old, but older than dirt.

Odd water vapor has been found on the moon. On March 7, 1971, equipment left behind by N.A.S.A. recorded a cloud for 14 hours that was about 100 square miles.

About 100 quakes are detected each year on the moon. Scientists say the moon has zero activity, so is there someone or something making quakes? The moon is not solid but hollow or close to being hollow. Carl Sagan said “A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object.” Therefore, the moon may not be a “natural” satellite at all.

If the moon is not natural then what is it?

Historically humans believe the moon was placed there. It is the only moon in our solar system that does not rotate on its axis. The moon is not earth’s natural satellite.

Theories go back thousands of years where the moon was not always there. They say the moon came to be 11 thousand to 13,500 years ago before recorded history. In Africa they say the moon is hollow and a wise race of lizard men live in the moon. They also say the moon was brought here 100 generations ago by two brothers.

Some even think the earth is being run by lizard hybrids and that the moon is a spaceship not a satellite.

What do you think?

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