Miss Dawn’s Musings – To the Year Ahead

We all know that 2016 sucked for a number of reasons – politics and the divisive climate created by the presidential election to end all others, terrorist acts and war around the world, and a greater than average number of celebrity deaths, including some big ones for the geek realm. So most people were really looking forward to a new year and a new start. But let’s be realistic – considering the state of affairs, it’s unlikely that what made last year bad will improve at all this year. 

I’m not bringing this up to say that things are hopeless. My point is just the opposite. We need to not simply hope that 2017 will be a better year, we need to make sure it is. Okay, so there are some things, like celebrity mortality rates, that we can’t exactly do much about. And larger global, political issues may be a little out of most people’s reach. But there are plenty of things to do on a local level that help. And no, I’m not getting all hippy drippy, love everyone or some BS like that – you should know me better than that. I’m saying if there’s something you believe in, actively support it. If something is wrong and it bothers you, then find something you can do to try to change it.

One big thing that people often forget is community. Geeks are a huge community, even if you think your fandom or interests are pretty specific. You have geek friends and there are reasons they’re your friends. You not only (obviously) like each other, but you have fandoms that draw you together – they are your chosen family and you are there for each other. If you need help, support, a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with, you have people to turn to. As trite as it might sound, you are not alone.

Those of us who are introverts (and there are a lot in the geek world) might not be willing or able to reach out like we should. But this year we need to suck it up and try, even if it’s just in little ways. It’s not about making a resolution of some sort, just make an attempt, be proactive. Get out and support something or someone; you’ll find others doing the same. It will just naturally make things better, a little at a time. So here’s to 2017 being just a little bit better!

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