Playing Around – Flying the Wild Skies

Ever wanted to experience what it’s like to be a literal animal fighting great battles in an alternate 1930s? Want to be a freedom fighter, revolutionary or pirate? Well now is your chance with Wild Skies: Europa Tempest. Wet Ink Games has just released a digital version of the core rulebook and print versions will be available later this year. 

Designed and written by Brandon K. Aten and Matthew Orr, Wild Skies: Europa Tempest is a character-focused RPG that allows players to take control of anthropomorphic animal characters in a post-World War I alternate history Europe. Pulp-style technology and unique animal abilities contribute to the narrative storytelling of the game. Using the new Compass System puts a focus on character growth, merging traditional alignment and experience systems, allowing players to integrate their character’s personal motivations with rewards of their own choosing.

One of the interesting aspects of the world of Wild Skies is that humans have never existed, but history as we know it is pretty much the same (up to the first World War, anyway). So while players will be adapting to using animal characters (from apes to owls to wolves) and abilities, the general aspects of the world are easy enough to grasp to simply jump right in. Oh, except for that lack of an armistice after “The Great War” and continuing warfare and revolutions… but that’s what makes the game fun to play!

Wild Skies: Europa Tempest involves 40 animal types, 20 careers and 80 skill specialties. Players have a wealth of options at their fingertips! Plus, you can get started pretty quickly by choosing from the 16 ready to play characters included in the book. So if you’re into tabletop RPGs, diesel punk, alternate history and flying warships with an animalistic twist, check out the Wild Skies: Europa Tempest rulebook PDF on Drive Thru RPG.

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