Tag Archives: bigfoot

Whatz Your Geek? – Big and Tall

Blog-WYGBecause my interviews have dried up I have decided to write about topics I find interesting. In the future I want to start a podcast about my findings. In this blog I dive into the different theories that surround Bigfoot, from weird to interesting. So let’s jump into the third dimension, take a ride on a UFO, chase after a 9 foot tall lemur, then go play with floating lights. Continue reading Whatz Your Geek? – Big and Tall

Whatz Your Geek? – Wild Men and Woodwose

Blog-WYGMost stories of Bigfoot come from the USA, Canada and Nepal. But what about the rest of the world? What are their myths, legends and folklore? England, when it was a very dark and scary place, had Goblins, Elves, Green Men and Robin Hood. Were these campfire stories just warnings to scare children to stay close to keep them safe from real dangers such as wolves and bears? Continue reading Whatz Your Geek? – Wild Men and Woodwose