Tag Archives: conspiracy

Best Geeky Finds – JFK Assassination Still a Mystery

For decades, the mystery and conspiracy of the grassy knoll and the assassination of President Kennedy have been studied, leaving many theorists to question exactly who truly killed JFK. Fiction is the biggest culprit of these questions 55 years later – Was there a second shooter? A third? Was it a time traveler setting right what once was wrong?  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – JFK Assassination Still a Mystery

Best Geeky Finds – The Owls May Indeed Be Not What They Seem

In 1989, Special Agent Dale Cooper, having just solved the mystery behind Laura Palmer’s murder, disappeared from the small logging town of Twin Peaks. Neither the FBI nor the Twin Peaks PD knew where we went, and based on audiences’ witnessing of one of his last nights, whether it was even Cooper himself who left.  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – The Owls May Indeed Be Not What They Seem