Tag Archives: diversity

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Acceptance and Inclusivity

Blog-MDMThere has been a lot of negativity lately, in the world in general and in the geek realm more specifically. The hate, the sexism, the racism, the homophobia… you can’t avoid seeing it or hearing about it. But in most cases (thankfully) it’s a vocal minority creating these issues. The majority of the geek world is rather accepting, open-minded and inclusive. And the best place to experience that is at cons when you’re surrounded by your tribe.  Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Acceptance and Inclusivity

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Female Hero Revolution


Is there a female hero revolution in the works? Over the past few years, “strong female character” has become a desired label on tv shows, in movies and in books. It seems now that it’s finally becoming commonplace and rarely needs to be said. Yet there is still the need for the Bectal test (and, even better, the sexy lamp test, thanks to Kelly Sue DeConnick) and progress is slow. But I think it’s getting somewhere and partly that’s due to an increased female fan base (because women can be geeks too!) and a more open-minded media industry. Things are finally catching up to the real world! Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Female Hero Revolution

Irregular’s Intel – Does Diversity matter?

IrregularIntelIn geek culture we hold our fictional characters with a certain degree of sacred reverence. These individuals were the ones we could relate to in a world that largely misunderstood us. They speak our language, face similar life challenges, but blast through them with relative ease. So, it is understandable that when there’s an opportunity to see them portrayed on the big or small screen, we want as much authenticity as possible. It is part of the entire package for us. It is possibly our favorite novel/game/comic being brought to life, so everything has to be right, right? Or does it? Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Does Diversity matter?