Tag Archives: fandom

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Finding Your Tribe

Blog-MDMAs a geek, I have a lot of friends who are also geeks (amazingly, not ALL my friends are geeks). Sure, we have different fandoms and levels of devotion, but the overarching geekiness is what unites us. We understand each other not just because of the fandoms, but because we have dealt with being the fringe, the unpopular, the “nerds”. And we’ve survived without giving up what we love. Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Finding Your Tribe

Miss Dawn’s Musings – The Language of Geek

Blog-MDMWhen you’re ensconced in a culture, you don’t always realize that those around you might not know what you’re talking about. I don’t mean that they’re unfamiliar with a given topic of conversation, for example, the latest Marvel movie or a reboot of a popular sci-fi tv show. I’m talking about the actual words and phrases used to discuss things. I don’t know that many geeks think about it much, but we do have a language of our own. Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – The Language of Geek

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Spoilers, Sweetie

Blog-MissDawnsMusingsI walked in to Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Thursday night already knowing the entire plot. As it was released in the UK a few days earlier, it wasn’t difficult to find spoiler-filled reviews, commentary and, yes, entire plot breakdowns. When I told people I’d read it already, they looked at me like I was crazy (and no, I did not reveal any spoilers to anyone I spoke with). Honestly, I don’t see what the big deal is. Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Spoilers, Sweetie

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Sharing is Caring

Blog-MissDawnsMusingsIf there’s one thing geeks enjoy, it’s sharing their fandoms with other geeks. Some like to fangirl/boy over the latest developments, talk theories or storylines, come up with the perfect cast for movie versions of their favorite games or books. Others like to teach, imparting some facts they’ve discovered about a property, some behind the scenes details or “straight from the horse’s mouth” stories. Now that can be cool when you’re looking for more information, want to get deeper into a fandom and when your fellow geek is sharing out of the goodness of their heart. But if you have been involved in a fandom for any length of time, you have experienced the other type of geek, the know it all or, as I prefer to call it, the douche geek. Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Sharing is Caring

Miss Dawn’s Musings – Outside the Box

Blog-MissDawnsMusingsMy favorite comic book character (can’t exactly say superhero) is Deadpool. For some reason, this seems to take many people by surprise (mostly male, mostly those who don’t know me very well). Admittedly, Deadpool is not a “girly” character, nor are the majority of his plotlines what would be considered female friendly (in other words, they’re usually violent as all get out). So why is he my favorite? Continue reading Miss Dawn’s Musings – Outside the Box