Tag Archives: health

Irregular’s Intel – My Latest Adventure

November 2017 I was knocked on my ass. I was pretty certain that, although I was a big guy, I was still reasonably healthy… that would be wrong! Little did I know that I had a blood clot in my lung and, if I’d continued to live the way I had been living, I was not going to be around much longer. That’s a pretty sobering thought! I was surrounded by family, blood and chosen. To see the worry on all of those faces made me feel like shit. I was there, on my back, out of my head at one point because I had too much carbon dioxide in my blood… it was not good at all. Once I was released and back to a state of reasonable health, along with oxygen to sleep with and three prescriptions, I swore that, in 12 months, I would be free of those pills.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – My Latest Adventure

Irregular’s Intel – Sweat Therapy

Blog-III’m a big guy. There, I said it and I know it to be true. In the past several years I have been up and down the scale, but mostly up. I have tried all kinds of eating plans and diets and whatnot, but they all failed. About four years ago I happened across a website that took people’s geekdoms and turned them into pathways to fitness. That website is www.nerdfitness.com and it was the first thing that actually made sense to me. There were even free workout programs that you could print off to get you started and groups for support. But, these were not your ordinary groups… but I digress. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Sweat Therapy