Tag Archives: motivation

Irregular’s Intel – Where Is My Motivation?

Earlier this week, I shared on Facebook about how my love of gaming helped me on my weight loss quest. As I was trying to think of what to share for this week’s entry, I felt that maybe a different audience would like to read about my journey. I hope that from reading this, if you’ve struggled with motivation to begin or stick with whatever your quest is, you’ll find a way to keep your eyes on the prize.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Where Is My Motivation?

Irregular’s Intel – Wake Up Calls

Sometimes life gives us little nudges. First, you get that internal feeling that you need to make a change or do something different with your life or whatever. From there, life will have you run into people that you haven’t seen in a long time, people who may be tied to that thing that life had been nudging you about. Then, it happens. Life hits you over the head with the proverbial frying pan and you can’t ignore it… yep, you’re getting that wake up call!!  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Wake Up Calls