Tag Archives: musical

Best Geeky Finds – Holy Musical Batman!

Blog-BGFWith Batman ♥ Superman coming to theaters next week, I couldn’t help but ponder whether the epic battle between the two heroes will be anything like Starkid Productions predicted in their 2014 musical Holy Musical B@man! In the musical, after Batman (played by Joe Walker) throws the Joker off the Greater Gotham Bridge, he becomes depressed because the only person who really knew him is now dead. To make things worse, he realizes that Alfred (Chris Allen) has been tricking him into thinking he’s had more friends all his life. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Holy Musical Batman!

Best Geeky Finds – Musical Princesses and Some Ghostly Gifts

bestgeekyfindsImagine what Disney movies would be like if only the princesses and princes were allowed to sing, and not the villains. For one, we wouldn’t have the fantastic homoerotic song about Gaston, or the epically explained plans of Ursula. This is the world Muzzled: The Musical takes audiences.

I admit, I’m both a huge Disney princess fan, as well as addicted to the next great unorthodox musical. Give me Dr. Horrible, Bat Boy, or Barackula (it’s Halloween, look it up – it’s fitting) any day. So when I started hearing about a princess musical with both Ashley Clements and Mary Kate Wiles (Lizzie and Lydia Bennet from The Lizzie Bennet Diaries), I was ready. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Musical Princesses and Some Ghostly Gifts