Tag Archives: sci-fi

She Geek Critique – Last of Her Kind

Imagine you are the last remaining member of your species. And imagine you can’t actually mention that fact to anyone you know because it would terrify them and put you at risk. But imagine not knowing why… and then being hunted because of it. Well that’s what you get in Zack Jordan’s new space epic The Last HumanContinue reading She Geek Critique – Last of Her Kind

She Geek Critique – Retail Dystopia

When you consider the state of the world today, it’s not exactly far fetched to have a scenario where one company takes over virtually an entire industry and becomes one of the top employers. It’s scary to imagine, but entirely plausible, that all media will one day be run by Disney, all technology by Apple and all retail by Amazon. And it’s that last idea that’s behind Rob Hart’s novel The WarehouseContinue reading She Geek Critique – Retail Dystopia

She Geek Critique – First Contact

There are a lot of sci-fi books out there that involve human contact with alien life, whether in space or on Earth. (Yes, there are some non-fiction books out there too!) The majority of the plots treat the idea very seriously, whether it’s the drama of scientific discovery and exploration or they take a horror angle as the aliens want to take over the world. But occasionally you get something a little different, something that actually points out how ridiculous first contact could potentially be. That’s where Agent to the Stars fits in. Continue reading She Geek Critique – First Contact

She Geek Critique – Things Just Aren’t the Same

If there’s one thing that Blake Crouch does well, it’s giving readers the unexpected. Sure, things may start out “normal” in the real world of his novels, but it seldom takes long before you’re wondering just what the hell is going on! And it’s not simply a matter of plots being too confusing, because they’re really not too difficult to follow. No, most of it comes from time travel, multiple dimensions and, well, science. Continue reading She Geek Critique – Things Just Aren’t the Same

She Geek Critique – Entering Otherworld

Virtual reality (VR) has been a theme in sci-fi novels since before VR was actually a reality. Obviously, it’s a little more prevalent now, with a common plot line being what could go wrong either due to the technology itself or the people using and abusing it. Perhaps the best known VR-set novel of recent years is Ready Player One. A more recent addition to that collection is Otherworld by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – Entering Otherworld