Tag Archives: science

Irregular’s Intel – The Bell Biv DeVoe Theorem: A Scholarly Treatise

Blog-IILast weekend, while enjoying breakfast with friends, the subject of whether or not one should trust a big butt and a smile came up, which resulted in quite a discussion. Some had a problem with the term “never,” which is a sure fire way to end up on the wrong side of a logical fallacy, while others questioned whether it was in the coupling of the big butt and smile or, if one happens after the other, is this then negated. It then dawned upon me… perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to approach this paradigm from a different angle? We live in an enlightened age… perhaps there is an inherent error in the Bell Biv DeVoe Theorem? Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – The Bell Biv DeVoe Theorem: A Scholarly Treatise

Irregular’s Intel – Let’s Talk About Polymaths

IrregularIntelOxford Dictionary defines a polymath as “A person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning”. It is a concept that is born out of The Enlightenment idea of The Universal Man or The Renaissance Man. The great thinkers of that time felt that it was a human’s duty to push yourself to be the best that you can be at various endeavors. One should be knowledgeable in social graces, the ways of war, skilled in music, and a writer of poetry and scholarly essays. There were many who embraced this ideal and strove to live by it. Leonardo DaVinci and Michelangelo are two examples of famous polymaths of their time.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Let’s Talk About Polymaths

Irregular’s Intel – Science as a Casual Pursuit

IrregularIntelI was watching the news the other day and it was reported that scientists had discovered some molecules that did not behave as they should. Meaning that some of the things we know about atoms may not be entirely true, which opens the door to a whole world of possibilities. As I processed this information, I got excited! It meant possible advances in our scientific knowledge as a whole, and some possibly really cool discoveries along the way. I’m more of a science enthusiast and I feel no shame in saying that. I try to build a varied wealth of knowledge and to keep myself curious about the world around me. Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Science as a Casual Pursuit