Tag Archives: universes

Irregular’s Intel – Shared Universes

We’re seeing it everywhere, now… shared universes and rumors of such. Technically, it can be argued that the Star Trek franchise started this, but then we got Star Wars, the X-Men and the MCU. DC tried, but then decided not to, but is still kinda trying it. Now Hasbro is developing one, along with The Conjuring and Fast and the Furious. I think it’s great to get more stories from familiar properties. It adds a depth to what is already known, as well as an opportunity to expand in the sense of representation, too.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – Shared Universes

GW1 Issue 138 – Great Big Universe

It seems like every property wants to create a universe these days. After all, it’s been a massive success for Marvel, with the MCU, tv shows, animated series and comics all connecting in some way. DC is floundering a bit, but making the attempt. And there are others too, like the Wizarding World, Kaijus and repeatedly failing Dark Universe. So we have plenty to talk about this week. Plus, there have been interesting developments on the movie front, with some big titles shifting release dates and announcements about long-awaited productions. Listen now!    Continue reading GW1 Issue 138 – Great Big Universe