She Geek Critique – Playing With Gods

Mythological tales have been around since before writing began. Interest in them has ebbed and flowed over the centuries, but they’ve never disappeared. From the original stories to modern adaptations, people simply love hearing about the gods. Fit for the Gods, a new collection, brings a fresh interpretation of the old tales of Greek gods.

I don’t read many short story collections – they just don’t do it for me. But sometimes I do need a break from novels, something I can read 20 or 30 pages of and put down without having to remember where I left off. When I read the description of Fit for the Gods, it sounded interesting not just because of the Greek myths, but also because it’s marketed as “gender-bent, queered, race-bent and inclusive”.

Most of the 15 stories in the collection are set in the modern-day world, though a couple of them are more sci-fi. It does help to have at least a passing familiarity with Greek mythology to know what story is being told, though there are a few stories adapting more obscure myths. Regardless, the stories do speak for themselves and each one is refreshingly different.

Though all of the stories in this anthology are well written and plotted, some are more enjoyable than others. The collection starts very strong with “The Gorgon Confessionals”, telling the tale of Medusa and Perseus in the style of interviews. I thought “Pickles for Mrs. Pomme” was a cute day-in-the-life story of Aphrodite. But my favorite was “The Furies Detective Agency”, which is a noir tale that sees Elektra hiring the siblings to solve her sister’s murder.

If you enjoy anthologies, you might want to pick up Fit for the Gods. It’s an enjoyable collection featuring varied lives and interesting situations. And because it’s reimagined mythology, you don’t even need to be a fan of the Greek gods to enjoy it. But this collection proves that those stories still hold power.