Adventure and Wonder Down Under

I was recently introduced to the world of Al MacBharrais with the novel Ink & Sigil. Sure, I might be a bit behind the curve on this, having never read The Iron Druid Chronicles from which this new series has sprung. But better late than never, right? And now the second book in the series has arrived, Paper & Blood.

If you’re not familiar with these books, they’re set in the real world and involve interactions with the fae world and its inhabitants that those in the know go to great lengths to hide from average humans. MacBharrais runs a print shop or at least that’s what most people know about it. In reality he’s what’s called a sigil agent and he protects the world from the unknown, while also helping the fae realm as needed and making sure certain contracts and treaties are upheld. But this isn’t as serious as it all sounds, especially when you take into account he has a trouble-prone, often drunk hobgoblin apprentice, an underground fighter demigod bookkeeper and he can’t speak openly with anyone because of a curse that makes those who hear his voice hate him.

In this second installment in the series, MacBharrais and his crew head to Australia (a quick trip when you can take a shortcut through the fae realm) to rescue other sigil agents who have gone missing. Of course, it wouldn’t be much of a story if it was a simple search and rescue. And if you read Ink & Sigil, you already know the sort of obstacles that will need to be overcome – big obstacles, often with sharp teeth and claws.

This is a fun adventure, a worthy sequel to the first book – and yes, you do need to read the books in order. Unlike some series that are each a standalone adventure, this one builds upon the previous. A little more of the mythology is divulged each time, which both helps with understanding the world of the series and makes the reader want more. Paper & Blood answers a couple of questions from earlier, but creates a lot more to be answered. The action will keep you turning pages, while the intrigue will leave you wanting more.