GW1 Issue 226 – Wonderful World of Disney Plus

A new streaming service launched last week and there’s so much to talk about! Maybe if you live in a cave on a mountain you missed it, but Disney+ went live on November 12. We’ve been preparing for this moment for months, so there’s plenty to share, from the logistics of the service itself to the shows and movies already available to watch. We also have a bit of other geek news and a couple of other cool things we’ve been up to lately. Listen now!  

What we’re up to – Ken returns to the ring, catching up on CW shows and Watchman, season premiere of Rick and Morty, Akron MakerSpace new location

Oddmall: Chrishanukwanzmadan is December 7-8 in Canton, Ohio

News – Black Adam release date, Netflix investing in TIFF, Russo brothers creating Marvel v. DC Slugfest documentary, 2019 People’s Choice Awards winners

Disney+ News – minor launch day glitches, millions of subscribers already, so many classics and little gems to find among the movies and shows on offer, missing Marvel and Star Wars movies coming soon, disclaimer instead of editing outdated content, requesting new shows

Disney+ Review – we watched a few old shows, like Duck Tales, and new shows, like Mandolorian and World According to Jeff Goldblum, plus the new Lady and the Tramp movie and there’s a lot to share about all of them



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