GW1 Issue 266 – Bringing the Good Back

There were a lot of bits and pieces of geek news to talk about this week. Not only was the WandaVision premiere date revealed, but we found out about a couple of Netflix renewals, a Darkwing Duck reboot and an unexpected series in development featuring a comic strip icon. And because the end is approaching, we briefly discuss our predictions for what the series finale of Supernatural might bring. Listen now!

What we’re up to – smoking turkeys, planning Thanksgiving at a distance, Call of Duty Cold War release

News – WandaVision premiere date, Space Force renewed for s. 2, Umbrella Academy renewed for s. 3, Darkwing Duck reboot, Scorpion King reboot, Gerard Butler signs on for another Fallen film, Hagar the Horrible TV series, PS5 event held at ancient Japanese shrine

Next week we bid farewell to Supernatural


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