Tag Archives: television

Best Geeky Finds – Fresh Meat for the Ghouls of Collinsport

bestgeekyfindsA new fear has struck at Collinwood, and everyone’s a suspect in the murder of Melody Devereux…

One morning when I was in college I flipped to the Sci-Fi Channel (back when it was spelled correctly) to find a grainy soap opera — Dark Shadows. I had always heard references to Collinwood as a kid by my parents whenever we passed a gothic-style home, but until that point I had not been exposed to the wonders of Barnabas Collins and the town of Collinsport. Every morning after, I tuned in or recorded episodes up until the very end of the channel’s run of the series. I realized how corny the show was and how ridiculous the special effects were, but as I’ve said is past blog posts, I prefer this over horrible blood and gore. As an English major, I also saw the correlations with classic novels such as Wuthering Heights, Dracula and The Picture of Dorian Gray. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Fresh Meat for the Ghouls of Collinsport

Best Geeky Finds – Holding Out for Hiro

bestgeekyfindsA few weeks ago I came across a newspaper article reviewing new Fall series which said that those who remembered the first season of Heroes fondly were eager for Heroes Reborn; those who remembered the other seasons were not. While I realize there were issues with story and writing during seasons 2-4, I enjoyed all the stories involved with these characters until the end. So when 8 p.m. on Thursday came, I was ready to see what new journeys those characters that came back would have. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Holding Out for Hiro