GW1 Issue 178 – The Geeks Without Fear

It’s about time we talk about season 3 of Daredevil! Is it the best season yet? What works and what doesn’t? Is Kingpin really all that? We have all the details and some Easter eggs you might not have spotted. Plus, we have a review of Bohemian Rhapsody, thoughts on The Meg and some interesting geek news, including a Satanic lawsuit and how to prove you’re a Godzilla expert (aside from talking about it endlessly). And don’t forget that Con on the Cob is happening this weekend! Listen now!  

Con on the Cob is this weekend!

What we’re up to – Kylan levels up with avocados, finally watching Greatest Showman and The Meg, catching up on The Good Place and Midnight Texas

Bohemian Rhapsody review – a worthy, enjoyable celebration of the music of Queen and the life of Freddie Mercury

News – Venom’s big box office, no Doctor Who at Christmas, Deadpool 2 PG news, massive final battle for Game of Thrones, Netflix animation studio and devilish legal trouble, becoming a certified Godzilla expert

Daredevil season 3 – intense, action packed, well-developed with added depth to so many of the characters and a slightly different origin story for one of the biggest villains



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