Category Archives: podcast

Best Geeky Finds – Listeners Beware, There Is No Scare

Blog-BGFWhen I was a kid I was not very into anything remotely scary. I stayed away from Halloween, hid whenever certain episodes of the Twilight Zone came on, and most of all judged certain books by their covers if they looked scary. I especially did this with the Goosebumps books. This is why it wasn’t until 6th grade that I even cracked a Goosebumps book, and that was the superhero book (if you’ve watched the even worse TV show you may recall this is the episode with Adam West donning his tights again) because it had a campy image on the cover instead of something scary like Slappy the dummy. Around this time the television show premiered on Fox and I enjoyed it a lot. There were some episodes I couldn’t handle, mainly because at that age I couldn’t recognize really bad CGI. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Listeners Beware, There Is No Scare

Best Geeky Finds – What Happened at Limetown?

Blog-BGFEmergency dispatch gets a call.

“Hello, can you hear me…We need emergency services in Limetown… Ambulances… Fire….Turn it off!” The call cuts out. When reporters and emergency services arrive, the police inform everybody that there are no problems there anymore. In fact, there is nothing and nobody there anymore—all 327 people living in the small gated community have vanished. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – What Happened at Limetown?

Best Geeky Finds – Alice Isn’t Dead

Blog-BGFWhy did the chicken cross the road?

This is one of many questions posed in Nightvale Presents’ newest podcast Alice Isn’t Dead.

Alice follows Nicole, a truck driver on a cross-country trip delivering shipments to their locations, while at the same time searching for her wife, Alice, whom she had presumed dead until recently. Nicole—played by Jasika Nicole, known for her roles as Tamika Flynn in Welcome to Nightvale and Astrid on Fringe— records her trips in an audio diary, talking to Alice as if she were riding along on the journey. Sometimes this feels like a one-way conversation, while other times the audio diaries provide an insight into the people Nicole meets on her trips. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Alice Isn’t Dead