Category Archives: reviews

Best Geeky Finds – The Death of Superman

Blog-BGFImagine a world where the tale of the Man of Steel is dark. Not like destroying-Metropolis-to-take-down-Zod dark, but Batman dark. A world where Nicholas Cage is Superman (not wanting to be or thinks he is Superman, which I think Cage might already believe, but actual is playing him). Where Chris Rock is Jimmy Olsen. A Pre-“Superman Returns” film with Kevin Spacey as a Lex Luthor/Brainiac hybrid. What kind of Superman movie would this be? One directed by Tim Burton. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – The Death of Superman

Best Geeky Finds – Review: Santa’s Slay (2005)

bestgeekyfindsToday may be the day after Christmas, but it’s not too late to watch holiday movies. Why not a horror comedy? If you’re not ready for something like Krampus (I’m certainly not), why not delve into a premise even more ridiculous? Santa’s Slay (rated R) is based on one simple premise where Santa Claus (WWE Heavyweight Bill Goldberg) is actually Satan’s son. Around the same time Christ was born, a child was born on Earth from one of Satan’s flings. This child, named Santa (who else?), did what any other demon would do — create havoc and torture all around him. Everything changed one particular Christmas night though. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Review: Santa’s Slay (2005)

Best Geeky Finds – Review: The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985)

bestgeekyfindsIf you were a kid during the 80s, you most likely recall watching the California Raisins or Will Vinton’s Claymation Christmas. Aside from stop-motion animation, Claymation was one of the most popular animation forms during this era. There is one Claymation film that many do not recall though. Will Vinton’s The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985) tells the story of Mark Twain and his trip to see Halley’s Comet. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Review: The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985)

Best Geeky Finds – LARPs

bestgeekyfindsLARPs: “In LARP, or live action role-playing game, players assume the identity of their chosen character and physically perform their actions (as opposed to simply describing them).”

I enjoy cosplaying whenever I have the chance to, and I enjoy playing RPGs of any format, but I have never participated in a LARPing session. The idea does not appeal to me. When I watch the web series LARPs however, I find it difficult not to be entranced by all the possible stories. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – LARPs

Best Geeky Finds – Fresh Meat for the Ghouls of Collinsport

bestgeekyfindsA new fear has struck at Collinwood, and everyone’s a suspect in the murder of Melody Devereux…

One morning when I was in college I flipped to the Sci-Fi Channel (back when it was spelled correctly) to find a grainy soap opera — Dark Shadows. I had always heard references to Collinwood as a kid by my parents whenever we passed a gothic-style home, but until that point I had not been exposed to the wonders of Barnabas Collins and the town of Collinsport. Every morning after, I tuned in or recorded episodes up until the very end of the channel’s run of the series. I realized how corny the show was and how ridiculous the special effects were, but as I’ve said is past blog posts, I prefer this over horrible blood and gore. As an English major, I also saw the correlations with classic novels such as Wuthering Heights, Dracula and The Picture of Dorian Gray. Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Fresh Meat for the Ghouls of Collinsport