Comics Cosmos – Going to Hell

What happens when you’re the granddaughter of Satan, living in Hell and all you want is a friend to play with? You make sure someone you consider evil dies and comes down to join you, of course. Then again, what if that person wasn’t exactly as bad as they made themselves out to be? That’s the premise behind the fanciful comic Hellicious

Cherry is the precocious (to say the least) daughter of Hell’s primary demon (who happens to be the daughter of a semi-retired Satan). Though a “child”, she is still tasked with reaping souls and getting them into Hell. She tends to have a little too much fun with the damned along the way, but her mother doesn’t mind since they’re all going to be tormented anyway.

When Cherry decides she wants a more permanent playmate, she hits on the idea of getting her favorite goth musician. First thing is to get him killed… and that’s apparently the easy bit. Once he’s in Hell, Cherry needs to keep him hidden because whether he’s supposed to be there might not be all that straightforward. And so, shenanigans ensue… in Hell.

From Mina Elwell and A.C. Medina, Hellicious is a fun read with really vibrant art. Fans of I Hate Fairyland will probably enjoy this one, with the evil yet likable characters and over-the-top story. It turns Hell into a pretty adorable place… sort of.