Comics Cosmos – A Rag Tag Team

A recurring theme in comics is saving the world from destruction. The new run of Exiles follows that path, except it’s not just one world, it’s every possible world in a multiverse. Throwing heroes into an interdimensional mix, especially when none of them really knows what’s going on, makes for some fun storytelling. 

We’re first introduced to the Unseen (formerly the original Nick Fury), who is chained on the moon for his multitude of sins (as judged by the Watchers). He is forced to watched as the Time-Eater consumes every possible version of Earth in the multiverse. That’s when the Tallus arrives, a now-sentient dimensional travel device that has taken on the task of recruiting a team to defeat the Time-Eater and the first member is Blink.

The Tallus jumps Blink to alternate future dimensions to collect other team members, including Khan (a post-apocalyptic Kamala Khan, aka Ms. Marvel), Iron Lad (Nate Richards), Valkyrie (the Thor: Ragnarok incarnation) and Wolvie from the X-Babies. It’s definitely quite a combination of talent. But this odd mix seems to work well so far and it should be interesting to see how they figure out how to defeat a being that simply eliminates entire planets.

Exiles has released only a couple of issues at this point, so there’s time to catch up on the story. The writing (by Saladin Ahmed) is pretty solid, with enough background to let readers jump right into the story and enough excitement to keep them there. And the art (by the team of Javier Rodriguez, Alvaro Lopez, Jordie Bellaire and Joe Caramagna) is great, especially considering the variety of character styles involved. 

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