Comics Cosmos – Supreme Mashup

For those not following current storylines in Marvel comics, there’s been a lot going on with the Infinity Stones. Since before Avengers: Infinity War was released, there’s been a cross-over Infinity Wars event taking place with, you guessed it, a battle for control of the stones and, well, the universe. Someone did gain control recently (I spoil it in case you want to read up on it, though I will say it’s not Thanos) and one thing they decided to do was fold the universe in half. 

Yes, that’s right, they folded the universe onto itself. And what could that result in, you ask? It leads to what’s being dubbed “Infinity Warps” – mashups of Marvel heroes who have no idea they were once separate. The first to hit shelves was Soldier Supreme, featuring a hero combining Captain America and Doctor Strange. But because the entire universe has been folded, everything is combined. So we also get supporting characters like Dum Dum Fury and Bucky Wong and a story that’s feels slightly off, especially if you’re familiar with Captain America origins.

It’s a fun read and it’s interesting to see how they approach the mashup of characters and story, but there’s not a lot of depth to it. That’s why it’s a good thing that these “warps” are only a couple of issues each. It’s like reading a What If? or an Elseworlds – it’s sort of fun to explore, but you don’t want to stick around for long. In this case, there are other titles to enjoy as well, including Iron Hammer, Weapon Hex, Arachknight and Ghost Panther. They may tie in to the greater Infinity Wars storyline in some ways, but they’re also good standalones to read.