Comics Cosmos – Word of God

Fans of the tv series Preacher are looking forward to a new season starting up at the beginning of August. Unfortunately, this fourth season is the final one, though that just means everything’s going to be even bigger and badder than the previous seasons. But things don’t need to end there – picking up the comics opens up entirely new adventures in the world of Jesse, Tulip and Cassidy. 

The Preacher comics, by  Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, had a five-year run, from 1995-2000, with 66 issues and a few specials. That’s a lot of story-telling… and most of it isn’t in the tv series. Though the show introduces a lot of the same characters, where and when they show up (and how they’re dispatched, in many cases) is often completely unlike the comics.

Though the main trio are very much the same characters with the same attitudes, their motivations aren’t always what’s expected. Though the comics have the underlying element of seeking revenge, there’s a tighter friendship story going on and it really adds to the depth of the characters. Plus, you get a lot more back story and exposition, which can’t effectively be explored with where the tv version diverged.

But the comics are still incredibly inappropriate and violent and more fun than the subject matter should be. The show got it’s inspiration from somewhere, after all. So do yourself a favor and pick up a few collected volumes so you can continue the crazy ride!