Irregular’s Intel – My Favorite Drifter

As far as fictional characters go, I love drifters. As I look back, it appears that I always have. Kwai Chang Caine, Michael Knight, Reno Raines and Dalton, just to name a few. But there is one that rises above all. With more than 20 books and 2 movies to his credit, my favorite drifter of all is… Jack Reacher (created by author Lee Child). He is 6’5″  of blues loving ex-military cop with a mysterious past, to boot. Why do I like him so much? Glad that you asked! 

About 6 years ago, I was introduced to Reacher by some coworkers and I was instantly hooked. He was from a military family and went directly into the military after high school, attending West Point. From there it was travelling the world and whatnot. But, once he mustered out, he realized that he had spent very little time in the country he swore to protect and serve. So he decided that he wanted to get to know this great land the most intimate way possible, by bus or foot. From there he meets the best and worst of us, revisits his past and learns things about his family, too. He has rules that guide him along the way. Very simple, common sense rules that, if you’re not careful, you’ll begin to incorporate in your life, too.

I have read several of the books already, but I am so damn close to just reading them in chronological order, because I’m THAT kind of nerd! The books read well and make you enjoy a proper road trip. Plus, the books offer a compelling argument for eating locally! I think that after I complete the graphic novel tear that I am on, plus a couple of non-fiction books, I may reacquaint myself with Jack Reacher, no middle name.