Irregular’s Intel – My Take on Captain Marvel

This isn’t so much a review as it is about my takeaways from the epic movie Captain Marvel. It was a forgone conclusion that the movie would be an hit, but the way that it resonates with so many is astounding. As I discussed the movie, I had people share with me messages that I completely missed because my POV was different than theirs. 

I’ll admit, I felt bad that, seeing myself as an evolved male, I was blind to the more subtle commentary on women and how they are so often treated. On the other hand, it felt so good to see a woman onscreen who was unapologetically female and ok with not being “girly”. Carol Danvers is the most powerful hero in the Marvel Universe, on screen and in the comics. That was brought to the forefront in a believable way. There was not excessive posturing or need to prove how powerful she was… she simply was and if you missed it, it was because you were on the floor.

I’ve seen the movie twice already and I am itching to see it again. If Captain Marvel is the new center-point of the MCU, I’m on board for the whole ride! If this is a new beginning, I cannot begin to fathom where the MCU will go from here!