Into the Unknown – Fairies

UnknownLogoAre fairies real? I ponder this while watching an alien documentary. So I decided to Google it and fell deep into a dark hole. I found some interesting things.

A guy in England snapped some pictures in his flower garden. Here is one of his pictures.fairy1

Are they fairies dancing among the lilies or are they some type of bugs looking for a mate? They could just be photo shopped. The guy was part of a punk band in the 80s/90s. So could it just be flashbacks to the rocker life?

I found another story out of England. This time a woman, she grew up believing fairies were real. This is her picture of a tiny flying thing.fairy2

We know people for centuries believed in fairies or what is also known as “wee folk”. Could it be that people see what they want to see? Other names they go by are fey, fay, elf, fae, pixie. Even called good folk, people of peace and other euphemisms. The name was given to a type of mythological being or even legendary creature. Those mythological creatures include a form of nature spirit.

A lot of myths and legends were born and bred from England. Are fairies real? Or are they just something people grew up with and wished to be true?

So do you believe? Have you seen them? Do you have any photos of fairies?

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