Miss Dawn’s Musings – Director’s Cut My Ass

Blog-MDMLast week a story dropped that seriously ticked my off. Ok, yes, it’s related to Batman v. Superman, which you all probably know by now I’m not really looking forward to (I’ve mentioned my distain for various aspects of the flick a time or two on the podcast). But this is a story that could come about with any movie and has more to do with the director than the quality of the movie itself.

It was reported (and confirmed by the director himself) that Zack Snyder cut Jena Malone, Ahman Green and C.T. Fletcher from the theatrical version of Batman v. Superman. Now, cutting parts from a movie is not a new thing and not surprising at all, especially when you consider the final cut of this film clocks in at two and a half hours. And when it comes to Green and Fletcher, it sounds like they don’t have crucial roles. As for Malone, however, word is that she has an important role in the film (with whispers of Barbara Gordon), so cutting her seems like a pretty big deal.

But Snyder is making up for it by already promising a director’s cut of the movie that has these additional roles included, making for a longer film and, quite possibly, a significantly different storyline, at least for the subplot. The reason this ticks me off is, in part, the same reason I can’t stand filmmakers tweaking their work after the fact – the “final” cut of a movie that’s released to theaters should have at least all of the significant storylines included. Knowing that you’ve cut a character who will have some kind of effect on the plot and characters and then deciding to put her back in on the dvd just toys with moviegoers. Sure, film length is a concern, but what do you want to bet there will be plenty of other scenes in the 150-minute long Bat-fest that we can do without?

The thing that really bothers me about this though, is that this director’s cut is forcing fans to buy the dvd when it’s released so they can get the whole story. Sure, it’s “just” a fandom, but it’s holding fans’ wallets hostage. Snyder is saying, “Hey guys, here’s a movie you’ll love, with characters you love, so go to the theater and spend your money to see it. Oh, by the way, it’s not the full story, and there’s this really important character and maybe even a plot twist, but you’ll need to spend more money in a few months to find out about it.” And, based on the success of Deadpool, the director’s cut is going to be R-rated… because that’s necessary in a Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman movie?!

This may all be moot by the time the movie is released and more rumors swirl and truths are discovered. But using “director’s cut” as an excuse for a money grab from fans and completionists in this way is just pathetic.

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