Miss Dawn’s Musings – Give Me the Multiverse

Blog-MissDawnsMusingsI’ve always enjoyed time travel stories as well as ones involving travel to alternate worlds. Pretty sure I can blame this, at least in part, on reading the Narnia Chronicles as a kid and early exposure to Doctor Who (4 was my first). So it makes me happy that there are a number of movies, shows and books exploring this at the moment.

Yes, of course I watch Doctor Who. It’s the ultimate fix for anyone into alternate worlds and times and paradoxes and fixed points. I love that sort of thing. It’s the improbable yet logical that appeals. There are established rules (ok, they do sometimes change) and within those rules everything ultimately makes sense, if you’re able to figure it out. Sure it makes you think, but that’s the point. Fluff stories are fine, but they really don’t satisfy.

And I’ve never been a big DC fan, but I’m enjoying The Flash, especially this season. They’ve opened up the multiverse with an Earth 2, so it brings in alternate worlds and timelines… so many theories. They haven’t really explored many possibilities yet, but they need to make sure the general audience can follow along, so I get that. But I think Legends of Tomorrow will go there in a bigger way because part of it’s focus is direct time travel with the character of Rip Hunter.

So give me multiple timelines, let me be surprised when someone is alive who shouldn’t be, make me think about how exactly something worked out fine in the end. Yes, it’s sci-fi, yes, it often makes no sense (in the “real” world) and yes, things get tangled up. But it can be so much fun to unravel!

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One thought on “Miss Dawn’s Musings – Give Me the Multiverse”

  1. Good one Miss Dawn. I am a huge fan of Doctor Who and am loving the Flash. I was listening to NPR the other day (because I have no life) and they were talking about the multiverse theory so science and fiction collide in a big way on this and all for the better. #geeklife #wormhole

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