Miss Dawn’s Musings – Spoilers, Sweetie

Blog-MissDawnsMusingsI walked in to Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Thursday night already knowing the entire plot. As it was released in the UK a few days earlier, it wasn’t difficult to find spoiler-filled reviews, commentary and, yes, entire plot breakdowns. When I told people I’d read it already, they looked at me like I was crazy (and no, I did not reveal any spoilers to anyone I spoke with). Honestly, I don’t see what the big deal is.

I’m the kind of person who likes to know all the details as soon as possible. There are times I seek them out and times I don’t. And if a spoiler happens to be revealed, it’s not a big deal. As much as geeks will gasp in horror at this: they are just movies and shows. In the scheme of things, they don’t matter. Nothing that goes on in them or happens to the characters directly impacts how I live my life.

This is not to say I don’t have favorite shows, movies, books, characters. And I’m also not saying I don’t get upset when things happen to them (usually when someone dies). But that simply confirms my fandom for me – I care what happens to my favorites, it’s sort of the essence of fandom. It doesn’t mean it’s going to ruin everything for me if I find out a few days before watching something that someone is going to die or become evil or be resurrected (seriously, these things apply across so many fandoms).

So yes, I love details, spoilers, cheats, whatever you want to call them. And if you want me to share them, I will. But as much as I love knowing all the details, I know the majority of other fans would rather wait and see. So I don’t go around spoiling things like a troll and I don’t tease people with “I know something you don’t know”. We all approach our geek in our own way and I just happen to like being the know-it-all. 😉

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