Miss Dawn’s Musings – View from the Couch

Blog-MDMEveryone has those go-to movies or television shows they turn on when not feeling well. You know the ones I mean – you’ve seen the movie more than a dozen times and know all the lines or you have the plot of every episode of the show memorized because you’ve seen it five, six, 18 times. For me, when lying on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket, sipping hot tea, half out of it from meds, I turn to one of two shows: Doctor Who or Supernatural.

I watched Doctor Who as a kid – number 4 was my first, though my favorite classic is number 3. But I truly became a Whovian with the new series. I’ve watched every season multiple times, have favorite story arcs and episodes, and can watch it at any time, over and over, without ever getting tired of it. (In case you missed an earlier post where I mention it, I have a thing for time travel.) Of course I have BBC America and they show Doctor Who almost every day. So if I’m not feeling well, I don’t even need to search far.

Then there’s Supernatural. Hubby and I started on this around season 4, after getting the first three seasons for a Black Friday steal on Amazon and binging them. So even though we weren’t there from the start, we’ve seen every season. (And again, if you don’t know I’m into the paranormal, you probably haven’t read all of my posts.) This is another show that’s on almost everyday, so it’s easy to find when clicking around from the couch.

I know these shows don’t actually do anything to make me feel better when I’m not well, but it’s the comfort factor more than anything. When you physically can’t do anything but just lie there and wait for the crud to pass, it’s nice to have the familiar. What about you – what are your comfort shows or movies?

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