Meeple Moments – Staff Top Picks, Vol. 3

Occasionally we feature a post from our friends at The Malted Meeple. This time around, their staff makes some suggestions of games they think you should be playing. This time, it’s picks from Paul, Lauren and Nick. 

Our staff has a wide range of game preferences, which can make it a lot of fun to discover new things with recommendations from all the genres and difficulty levels available in our extensive library of hobby board games. In this Volume 3 of our Staff Top Picks, we share some more of those recommendations with you, our guests!

Paul, Team Member: Sheriff of Nottingham

If you are looking for a party game with a twist for your next gathering with friends who may be at different skill levels, Paul recommends Sheriff of Nottingham. This bluffing game relies on social mechanics, such as using deceit to gain trust or risk reward against making enemies.

Lauren, Assistant Manager: Tiny Epic Quest

Sometimes the best experiences come in tiny boxes. According to our Assistant Manager Lauren, big fun can be found inside the packaging for Tiny Epic Quest. She recommends this game to young adults who don’t mind spending a little time learning to play and like adventurous strategy games.

Nick, Team Member: Wakening Lair

Wakening Lair is recommended for people who enjoy table top RPGs or anyone who wants to try something like an RPG but maybe isn’t ready to commit to a full session just yet. Nick suggests it is a great way to introduce your non-RPG friends to the concept.

Read more about these games, and explore everything you can do at The Malted Meeple, on their website!