She Geek Critique – Comic Overload

Much like very few geeks have a singular fandom, very few comic book geeks have a single title or character they follow. Sure, there are favorites and there are times you’ll want to collect every issue from a particular character. But when you enjoy the medium and have a range of tastes, there is a lot to choose from… and keep up with. 

I am a proud member of this category (as if that wasn’t already obvious). On the superhero side of things, I lean heavily to the Marvel side. It hasn’t always been the case – as a kid I did read some Teen Titans, Dark Knight and Hawk and Dove. That was before I discovered New Mutants, Deadpool and Sensational She Hulk. But along with current Marvel titles like Captain Marvel, Deadpool, Domino and West Coast Avengers, I also read some non-typical titles from other publishers, like Sex Criminals, Rat Queens and Ladykiller.

Yes, I go to the local comic shop every Wednesday (that’s when new comics are released, for those non-comic folk reading this). I’m not the type who reads new comics as soon as I get them, so the number of individual issues quickly adds up. That’s why it’s nice to get a chunk of time to actually sit back and read a few issues. It’s sort of like binging a favorite show – you don’t need to wait another week to see how plot points work out. Of course, in comics, as in long-running tv shows, there’s a long history and sometimes those stories go on and on and on. But that’s fine with me… I’m in it for the long haul anyway.