She Geek Critique – Last of Her Kind

Imagine you are the last remaining member of your species. And imagine you can’t actually mention that fact to anyone you know because it would terrify them and put you at risk. But imagine not knowing why… and then being hunted because of it. Well that’s what you get in Zack Jordan’s new space epic The Last Human

Sarya is quite literally the last human in the universe, but she doesn’t know the truth behind why every other species is so scared that she can’t say the word “human” aloud. So, of course, she really wants to know what’s going on and, thanks to an extraordinary chain of events, she may just get her wish. But the question is whether she’ll survive everything she needs to go through to get to it.

This novel is an interesting journey of self-discovery that just happens to be in space. It is at times quick-paced and full of adventure, but also philosophical and thought-provoking. The cast of characters is often (physically) unrecognizable, which makes for an interesting read as the reader tries to picture what all of these alien species look like. This is especially true of Sarya’s adoptive mother, an insectoid warrior ready to protect and kill at any sign of threat. (It makes for a rather intriguing mother/daughter relationship!) Plus, when you thought you knew where things were heading – boom! (literally) things explode and head in another direction… sort of.

It can be difficult to explain the various storylines this novel follows, but that’s a good thing. Various plot points are not what you would typically find in a sci-fi novel of this kind and Sarya makes a lot of unexpected choices for what you think is her character type. This might not be a page turner in the traditional action and adventure sense, but it definitely makes you want to continue on the journey to find out just how the last human ended up that way.