She Geek Critique – Something Not Completely Different

Over the weekend I was skimming through the choices on Netflix and came across something I hadn’t spotted before: Monty Python: Almost the Truth (The Lawyer’s Cut).  It’s a documentary series that the BBC did around 10 years ago about, you guessed it, Monty Python. The six episodes chronologically cover the creation and evolution of the brilliant (mostly) British comedy team. 

I was first introduced to Monty Python by a friend back in highschool. I was already a fan of British comedy from watching BritComs on PBS with my parents. But the often absurdist style of Python humor was new and refreshing… and hilarious. I watched all the movies and tried to find as many episodes of Flying Circus as I could. I even bought books that reprinted scripts of the sketches! Since then, I have never not liked Python and, like many fans, have watched shows and movies simply because a member of the troop was in them.

As someone experiencing the majority of all that was Monty Python after their biggest periods of popularity, I found the documentary fascinating. I already knew some of the background, but hearing stories directly from the remaining members and seeing behind the scenes footage was cool. Plus news footage of some of the controversies they were involved with (especially with Life of Brian) was really interesting. And seeing all of the clips from the shows and films… well, it put me in the mood to have a marathon re-watch of all of it!