She Geek Critique – Into the Pool

Ok, you knew a review of Deadpool 2 was coming, right? And you also knew it was going to be full of spoilers. Thing is, so many of the spoilers are the jokes and asides and one liners throughout the movie… and I don’t want to share those out of context because it’s just not as fun. But if you don’t want to know a couple of main plot points, skip the final couple paragraphs.

First off, unlike so many movies, the sequel is just as good as the original (I would almost say better, but the first was so fantastic). If you thought the jokes would get old, you’re wrong. I was laughing my ass off from the start! But DP2 actually has heart and is more emotional. It’s sort of like Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in that way, but is more effective – and will be re-watchable (which doesn’t apply as well to GotG2). I love that they actually managed to give more depth to Deadpool, showing the real character that those of us who read the comics know so well.

And speaking of characters, they did a phenomenal job with Domino. Based on my comic reading, she is exactly as I thought she should be. She’s sarcastic and tough, yet cares about the mission and her teammates. And the way her abilities were portrayed was absolutely fantastic. It was so much fun seeing her luck play out in all the fights and action scenes. Cable was very comicbook too, though they did give him a touch more personality, which was needed. Plus, seeing him and DP team-up to fight was the moment I had been waiting for – and it was so worth it!

And now the spoilers. Putting together X-Force and then having almost every member get killed immediately in a ridiculous manner was hilarious! Especially considering the satisfaction so many got from Shatterstar’s messy demise. And the brief cameo when we see Vanisher! But the fact that DP knew what a good guy Peter was that he made sure to go back and save him in the end was great.

But the big thing that hits home in DP2 is the overarching theme of family. At the start, DP is fighting for a family with Vanessa, then fighting for revenge when she’s killed and, ultimately, realizing what family really is. Seeing the strength of a chosen family is something that really resonates with geeks. It gave unexpected depth to the movie and, I think, provided a real connection for the audience. It’s amazing how a crazy superhero flick can actually mean something.

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