She Geek Critique – Writers Write, Right?

I am a writer. Every day I write – at work, at home, on the bus. Sometimes it’s average stuff that everyone writes – to do lists, emails, reminders. But often it’s also blog posts, books reviews, short stories, plot summaries, journal entries, novels. 

I find it awkward sometimes when someone asks what I enjoy doing and I say “reading and writing”. It’s like I’m in elementary school and proud that I’ve learned the alphabet. But that is truly what I enjoy – I can spend hours doing either one. Give me a good book and don’t bother me! Or let an idea pop into my head and I’m grabbing a pen and paper while you STFU! And yes, I do a lot of writing freehand. Laptops are convenient and all, but they’re not always there when those thoughts need to come out.

There are, however, times when I don’t know what to write. I’ll have an idea, but can’t figure out where to go with it. Or the story I’m trying to tell just doesn’t want to be told. Or I draw a blank – even creative, imaginative people get stuck sometimes. And, of course, you think you’re never going to shake it off… until you do. Sometimes you need to take a break, do something else and then the words start to flow. Other times, you just need to follow the old maxim: You’re a writer – write!

And, in all honesty, that’s what I did for this week’s blog. I had no idea what to write about today when I opened a blank page. And I thought, “I’m a writer. There must be something to write about.” And here we are.