Tag Archives: A-Team

Irregular’s Intel – In Defense of the A-Team Movie

Back in 1983, we were treated to what would become a television staple until 1987. The A-Team was the story of a crack commando unit framed for a crime they did not commit, who had escaped from a stockade to the Los Angeles underground to survive as soldiers of fortune. Now, by this point, I was on a steady diet of men’s adventure novels and action movies, so this appealed to me, for a time. I eventually got over the bad guys escaping a building just before a huge explosion and how no one was in any real danger. It turned into a big eyeroll. By the time they did get captured and were converted to a black ops unit, it was too little too late for me. I could say that I look back on the show with fond nostalgia, but after an episode, I remembered why I had checked out.  Continue reading Irregular’s Intel – In Defense of the A-Team Movie