Tag Archives: animation

She Geek Critique – Hunting Demons

It’s been three years since the first (and only) season of Constantine aired. At that time it was an ambitious show for a big television network because it was so dark, literally and figuratively. Of course, it couldn’t be any other way with a title character who is an occult detective and self-described master of the dark arts (yes, it’s on his business cards). But NBC did a really good job with the show and a lot of people (including me) were disappointed it didn’t get renewed.  Continue reading She Geek Critique – Hunting Demons

Best Geeky Finds – Brother Can You Spare a Minion?

I find myself on occasion speaking in tongues when nobody is listening. Maybe sometimes when people are listening also, but that’s usually intentional because I’m intentionally speaking Minionese. For those who are not quite as hip to strange children’s animated movies, that is the language the small yellow creatures in Despicable Me speak (at least according to closed captioning).  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Brother Can You Spare a Minion?

Best Geeky Finds – A Pony of a Different Color, Shade, Dimension…

If I’ve never made it known on the podcast, my name is Bart and I am a bronie. I love the intricate blending of fantasy elements with modern life lessons for children while not going overboard on preaching morals. On top of all that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is geek central. In an average episode including Pinky Pie there are most likely to be at least 5 movie references, not to mention the geekdom that has formed around the series itself. One pony exists merely because it was a formatting mistake but fans liked it so much as to make it a companion of the Doctor Who pony parody (who also made it into the show).  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – A Pony of a Different Color, Shade, Dimension…

Best Geeky Finds – Catch a Star By the Horns

The older I get, the more I become disappointed by animated series. It’s not because these series aren’t necessarily good – usually they are beyond spectacular for the 4-10 year-old audiences they were written to be watched by. This might actually be a sign I’m maturing (I refuse to believe this though, given my weekend binges of Ninja Turtles). But every now and then, a series comes along that’s just too good not to watch though (see previous posts about Ducktales, Gravity Falls). Star Vs. The Forces of Evil is another such series.  Continue reading Best Geeky Finds – Catch a Star By the Horns