Comics Cosmos – Archer and the One Armed Man

Team-ups are not a new thing in comics. Some characters do it because they like each other and work well together, while others do it out of necessity regardless of personal preference. Often, the latter makes for a more interesting scenario as you get to see just what divergent personalities need to do to get along. And that’s the case in Tales of Suspense: Hawkeye & Winter Soldier

This five issue miniseries takes place after the events of Civil War II and brings together the title characters on a search for who is killing HYDRA operatives. (Spoiler warning in case you haven’t read Civil War II or don’t know what happens at the end of it!) Clint is convinced it’s Natasha, aka Black Widow, but Bucky is convinced she really is dead and it’s someone else trying to make it look like she’s to blame.

These two characters attempting to get along makes this otherwise serious story fun. It’s not just the fact that they both dated Nat – their personalities just don’t mesh at all. Plus, the story is told from both of their points of views instead of just providing an overall narrative. So you know there’s a lot of name calling and complaining (mostly from Bucky, to be honest).

Hawkeye & Winter Soldier is a necessary read if you followed Civil War II and other events that followed, even if it’s just to find out how Black Widow came back. It also gives a bit of insight on the Red Room program we’ve heard so much about over the years. And you definitely won’t be looking at Black Widow in the same light once you’re done.