Comics Cosmos – A New Dawn for the Joes

For 10 years, IDW has been publishing the G.I. Joe comics. When they got the license (after Devil’s Due lost it), they decided on a complete  reboot, ignoring the continuity from the Marvel and Devil’s Due versions of the comic. They now have ongoing titles, short-run miniseries and even reprinted classic Joe comics. And, back in December, they introduced a big change that fans seem to have embraced: a new Snake-Eyes. 

Beginning in G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #244, Dawn Moreno was introduced to the world as the new Snake-Eyes. First appearing in #226,  Dawn was a gifted high school athlete who caught the attention of Cobra Commander because of her unique physical abilities. She was experimented on and accidentally had the memories of the original Snake-Eyes implanted in her mind. Issue #246 (from legendary G.I. Joe writer Larry Hama) saw the beginning of the “Dawn of the Arashikage” storyline, which has Dawn joining the G.I. Joe team and taking on the mantle of Snake-Eyes.

How have fans reacted? The issue with her first appearance sold out, as did issues #244 through #246, which went to second printings. And IDW announced this month that a four-part miniseries – G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero – Silent Option – is on the way in September. It features  Snake-Eyes on her first (un)official mission, where she has the misfortune to meet with deadly covert operations officer, Agent Helix (being introduced into Real American Hero canon). It’s going to be quite a ride to see how Dawn survives the encounter!