Comics Cosmos – Not So Lucky Punk

When you’re looking for a comic that doesn’t feature superheroes, but you still want a little bit of heroing, there are a few options. There’s always the tried and true pulp stories, especially those involving detectives. But another option that’s popular is the paranormal – those gods, wizards and magicians who spend their time saving the day (or life as we know it). Valiant is bringing back just such a character in her own miniseries – Punk Mambo

Written by Cullen Bunn (who has worked on Venom and Deadpool), with art by Adam Gorham, this series features hard-living voodoo priestess Punk Mambo, native Londoner relocated to Louisiana. She doesn’t fight random anomalies or small-time spirits – she’s a mystical mercenary for hire.

The first issue (available in April) gives readers a good intro to the character, throwing us into the heat of conflict with the cannibalistic Grunch who seem to be the cause of some recent abductions. Not only do we see a little of what Punk can do, we also get a good taste of her attitude (a little reminiscent of a certain Constantine – maybe it’s a London thing). Her investigations lead to a run-in with priestess Marie Laveau and, ultimately, a trip to Haiti.

At times this is a really fun read, but it’s also got the spookiness you’d expect of a story involving voodoo. The art is vibrant and does a good job portraying the action. This story is off to a good start in the first issue and has you wanting to read more based on how it ends up.