Comics Cosmos – A Wizording World

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (even a well-decorated one), you’ve seen the popularity of fantasy in the real world through comics, books, shows and movies. Of course, a certain bespeckled child with a lightning shaped scar might come to mind as the most well-known of the genre. But there is plenty more, including a comic that debuted in 2017 called Curse Words

In this crazy dark fantasy comic, a wizard has appeared in present day New York claiming that he’s going to save the world from the dark forces. Oh… and his name is Wizord and his companion is a talking koala named Margaret. He’s also hot in a silver fox kind of way. In other words, he’s not your classic wizard type. But he sets up shop and offers his wizarding services, keeping to three rules: no cures, no wars, no love. Of course, there are forces that want to put an end to him, so he doesn’t exactly get to enjoy his new life for long.

Curse Words is a fun read, with plenty of action and lots of (sometimes ridiculous) magic. Written by Charles Soule (who has worked on Daredevil and Death of Wolverine), with fantastic art by Ryan Browne, the story is vibrant and always moving. Characters don’t waste time on long speeches or idle chatter, but get straight to the point… usually because there’s some battle to be waged! The plot is relatively straightforward, but there’s enough of a mystery to Wizord that you want to keep reading to find out what this wizard is really all about.