Irregular’s Intel – Be a Hero!

No, I’m not talking about the element irradiated, masked vigilante type. Nor am I talking about the time-travelling, super genius type. I’m talking about the everyday type of hero, the one who gets things done, who moves the country forward… the one that votes! You think voting doesn’t really matter or you can’t be bothered? Let me break it down for you! 

Think about Voltron. One Lion is pretty formidable on it’s own, but put all five together and that thing is damn near unstoppable… just like your vote. Your one voice matters – it let’s those at the local, state and federal levels know what your want is on any particular issue. Now, if you join your vote with others, then it can become a force to be reckoned with! It can become so loud that it cannot be ignored. But you have to use your power, your right for that to happen.

Ok, for the magic users out there. You can have access to the most powerful spell known in the land, a spell that is only meant for you, because you are the chosen one. But, if you don’t use it, that spell means nothing. It means that the land that you’ve sworn to protect can, and possible will, be taken over by The Dark One, because you couldn’t be bothered to cast your spell… pretty much what happens when you don’t vote.

On top of that, do you have any idea of how many people fought and died for you to have that precious right? All the way from colonists, to women who were sick of being ignored, to minorities who were attacked just for the way they looked to people forced into the darkness because of who they love and their desire to express who they truly are.  Too many lives have been lost, too much blood has been shed to not stand up and do your civic duty. If you are reading this, this is me begging you to share and bug the hell out of everyone until they are sick of it and will go vote just to shut you up! Yeah, I’m that guy when it comes to this right and I am not ashamed!